
Lego Universe online game built for everyone in Massively Multiplayer Online games,0,901447.story

Robert Dow

Massively Multiplayer Online games, or MMOs, is a hotbed of development and Lego Universe, a new online game that’s based on the toy building bricks franchise is scheduled for release in 2010. Developed by a San Mateo, Calif., firm called Gazillion Entertainment, the game is designed so that even a 5-year-old and his grandfather can play together. The goal is to make virtual world games that anyone can play. “I think there is a big opportunity for mass-market MMOs, especially when they are connected to recognized brands,” said Ted Pollak, senior analyst with Jon Peddie Research in San Francisco. But, he warned, “the quality of the game must be top-notch, which is not an easy undertaking.”