
Reality and headsets, Khronos thinks it’s all the same

We disagree, all headsets are not the same; but OpenXR is critical to enabling compatibility with processors We have always applauded and supported Khronos’ efforts to end fragmentation and establish a stable API environment, and we still do. But a truck isn’t a motorcycle just because it has wheels and runs on roads, and neither is an AR device a ...

Jon Peddie

We disagree, all headsets are not the same; but OpenXR is critical to enabling compatibility with processors We have always applauded and supported Khronos’ efforts to end fragmentation and establish a stable API environment, and we still do. But a truck isn’t a motorcycle just because it has wheels and runs on roads, and neither is an AR device a VR device just because it might get worn on your head. Aside for the applicability of the HMD or its purpose, Khronos believes there is enough commonality in data transfers through an API that we should have a single API

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