
AI: In search of softer, less scary assistants

As the wedding between GPUs and AI move from the honeymoon to the serious setting up of a household and becoming a member of society, it will have to find a new name for itself. The term artificial intelligence, and AI, strikes fear into the psyche, heart, and groin of most of the people beyond its developers. Morgan, Ava, David, ...

Jon Peddie

As the wedding between GPUs and AI move from the honeymoon to the serious setting up of a household and becoming a member of society, it will have to find a new name for itself. The term artificial intelligence, and AI, strikes fear into the psyche, heart, and groin of most of the people beyond its developers. Morgan, Ava, David, The Terminator, and the replicates to name a few have given AI a bad name; fun in the movies, but scary as hell in your home. Always listening Alexa, and Siri, and the new wave of always watching home assistants

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