
Particle visualization of mols in Stuttgart

MegaMol from the Visualization Research Center of the University of Stuttgart  The Visualisation Research Centre (VISUS) is a central institution of the University of Stuttgart. About 30 scientists research in different areas of scientific visualization, visual analytics, visual computing and computer graphics, as well as interdisciplinary, applied research. VISUS owns a large-area projection screen that is able to display about ...

Jon Peddie

MegaMol from the Visualization Research Center of the University of Stuttgart  The Visualisation Research Centre (VISUS) is a central institution of the University of Stuttgart. About 30 scientists research in different areas of scientific visualization, visual analytics, visual computing and computer graphics, as well as interdisciplinary, applied research. VISUS owns a large-area projection screen that is able to display about 88 million pixels on an area of 6 meters width and 2 meters height. On that screen, and many workstation screens, the researchers have been showing MegaMol. Proposed originally by Sebastian Grottel, the MegaMol particle visualization framework has been in

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