
Mythic builds an analog computer

Neural network inference is all about the memory according to the founders of Redwood City-based Mythic. Since the company was founded in 2012, Mike Henry and Dave Fick have attracted $55 million in funding and continued to develop the mixed signal multiplier concept they came up with while at the Michigan Integrated Circuits Lab. They hold that most of the ...

Peter McGuinness

Neural network inference is all about the memory according to the founders of Redwood City-based Mythic. Since the company was founded in 2012, Mike Henry and Dave Fick have attracted $55 million in funding and continued to develop the mixed signal multiplier concept they came up with while at the Michigan Integrated Circuits Lab. They hold that most of the cost of inferencing lies in the storage and movement of weights and that the sheer number of weights makes on-chip storage impractical especially for low-cost edge applications. Their solution to this is to use a flash memory array to store

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