
Apple updates 27-inch iMac, giving Apple heads a new dilemma

The big news for Apple came as it always did in June with the company’s big WWDC. This year’s event was no less explosive for being held as a virtual event. Instead, Tim Cook marched out and scrambled the game board with the announcement of new all-Apple strategy for new Mac computers coming at the end of the year. As ...

Kathleen Maher

The big news for Apple came as it always did in June with the company’s big WWDC. This year’s event was no less explosive for being held as a virtual event. Instead, Tim Cook marched out and scrambled the game board with the announcement of new all-Apple strategy for new Mac computers coming at the end of the year. As everyone had been expecting Apple said it was ready to go with new machines based on its home-made CPUs with Arm cores. Even though most people knew the news was coming, it still came as a surprise because Apple was

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