
Greyscalegorilla launches Tactile materials library

Beauty, they say, is in the eye of the beholder. But it’s easy to see the stunning materials in the new materials library called Tactile from Greyscalegorilla. Using what they refer to as the Tactile Capture Process, the company has captured highly detailed imagery. Using a combination of artistry and cutting-edge technology, Greyscalegorilla, a longtime partner of Maxon, has incorporated ...

Karen Moltenbrey

Beauty, they say, is in the eye of the beholder. But it’s easy to see the stunning materials in the new materials library called Tactile from Greyscalegorilla. Using what they refer to as the Tactile Capture Process, the company has captured highly detailed imagery. Using a combination of artistry and cutting-edge technology, Greyscalegorilla, a longtime partner of Maxon, has incorporated standard material channels such as diffuse, normal, and roughness, while capturing real-world properties like translucency and optical reflectance. According to Chad Ashley, creative director, the company has been able to capture the superficial surface details as well as a true

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