
E3 2017: rise of the machines

PCs were in prominent display at E3—finally No I am not talking about Terminators, I’m talking about PCs—gaming PCs. This year E3 had the most PC presence (by units on the floor) ever in my experience of its history. I believe this was attributable to three primary factors. The first is the persistent rise of the PC as the world’s ...

Ted Pollak

PCs were in prominent display at E3—finally No I am not talking about Terminators, I’m talking about PCs—gaming PCs. This year E3 had the most PC presence (by units on the floor) ever in my experience of its history. I believe this was attributable to three primary factors. The first is the persistent rise of the PC as the world’s dominant AAA gaming platform. This is no surprise to JPR as we have been forecasting the steady growth trend for over a decade and prior to NVDA and AMD ticker symbols being added (or re-added in AMD’s case) to most

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