
Augmented reality will make us fearless

Our lives will be different beyond imagination with AR When consumer smart glasses become common, my forecast is 2020, they will change how we behave, and how the world behaves toward us. When you examine the root cause of bigotry, belligerence, and bullying, it all (and other social symptoms) trace back to fear. Anxiety, apprehension, and apathy are also rooted ...

Jon Peddie

Our lives will be different beyond imagination with AR When consumer smart glasses become common, my forecast is 2020, they will change how we behave, and how the world behaves toward us. When you examine the root cause of bigotry, belligerence, and bullying, it all (and other social symptoms) trace back to fear. Anxiety, apprehension, and apathy are also rooted in fear. Think about the anxiety you feel when traveling in a foreign or strange place. It’s compounded if you can’t speak or read the language. Just trying to get from point A to point B can be stressful. Think

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