Alex Herrera

HP Challenges the status quo in workstations

HP unveils its take on a tabletmode mobile workstation  Describing an industry as mature tends to connote visions of conservative businesses that follow established design formulas and serve equally established markets, with adequate but uninspired products. Though it would qualify as mature by virtually any sensible measure, the workstation market exhibits none of those traits that adjective might suggest. And … Read more

Fujitsu updates its premium Celsius workstations

Featuring new Xeons and an overhauled design Along with rivals HP, Dell and Lenovo, the number four vendor of workstations worldwide has an­nounced two new Celsius work­stations built around Intel’s latest Xeon Scalable and Xeon W processors. Ship­ping this quarter will be the premium 2S Celsius R970 and 1S Celsius M770. Prior to the tail end of 2017, Fujitsu’s premium … Read more

Siggraph ’17: the hardware round-up

Workstations and 3D graphics hardware don’t hold the same status they used to at summer’s annual convening of Siggraph, a conference today with more focus on computer graphics applications and productions than the underlying platform. If you remember (we certainly do), Siggraph in the 90’s represented the epicenter of graphics and workstation hardware innovation, where heavy weights like SGI, HP, … Read more

Mt Tiburon testing tabs

AMD fills out its entry class Radeon Pro GPUs with Polaris While anticipated release of the upcoming Vega GPU is hogging the limelight, AMD has completed the transition of its Radeon Pro workstation GPU line-up to the current Polaris 4th generation GCN architecture, also known as Polaris. The company had already filled out the Radeon Pro mid-range with Polaris earlier … Read more

AMD’s Vega takes center stage at CES

AMD’s hopes ride on this latest graphics chip Timed with the close of the holiday season, with vendors and customers alike getting back to business for the new year, the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) has become a favorite for major announcements of new technology and products. No exception, AMD was on hand to pitch technology that will be critical to … Read more