Your locus of control and what it means to be super
In psychology, there is a term to describe how one sees himself or herself with regard to the rest of the world. If they feel they are in control of their lives and themselves they ...
In psychology, there is a term to describe how one sees himself or herself with regard to the rest of the world. If they feel they are in control of their lives and themselves they ...
We are so enamored with our multifunction mobile phone, and our multifunction PC—devices that promise us the world at our fingertips—that we may have forgotten, those of us that ever even knew, about the machines ...
I remember back to 1996 when the first USB standard was proposed. I had done a little consulting with Intel prior to that and tried to convince them to use Philips’ I2C which had been ...
What an incredible week this has been for Nvidia. It started out with them introducing the most revolutionary new architecture in a decade and ended with stories about them getting kicked out of the chipset ...
Remember the old joke, we lose money on every unit, but we make it up on volume? Sometimes, I wonder if that’s what we’re doing in the electronics business. Last week, at two conferences, on ...
GPU computing has come into its own this year and is, I think, well understood and accepted by industry and to a large extent many consumers and scientists. Although I still encounter people in all ...
If company A builds a chip and it is better and newer than company B’s, shouldn’t company A get more market share? Suppose company B introduced a part in January and it got a Pmark ...
This was my 30th Siggraph, I was 10 when I attended the first one… Almost all of them have been fun, educational, and informative. If measured by attendance, this year’s event had the poorest showing ...
School runs, in most parts of the world, from September to June, with a few breaks for religious and political celebrations in between. And school’s out in the summer, and August is as summer as ...
I need another thing From tiny screens that fit your wrist to systems that give you 1080p HD. Taking the philosophy of “we did it because we could,” which translated into modern parlance becomes, “Yes ...
A tale of electronic ink and the stupidity of false economy I got a new Kindle 2 for Kathleen for her birthday. I have a Kindle 1 and she kept borrowing it. It was a ...
I was thinking about where R&D comes from. And then I realized that what I really cared about was the R of R&D. Research, real research which has no immediate product connection, is something only ...