
AI Image

AI bubble, me thinks not, or is history a predictor?

There are too many results, but all of history.


How they spend their money

Semiconductor companies’ ratios have shifted.


Color: What you see may not be what you get

A pink purse should not be red.


We need new smarter indelible pixels

No faking or cutting; embed time stamp into each pixel.

Adobe logo

You’re so predictable

I don’t have to be conscious to use that.


AI is going to take all our jobs

Just like automation took all the jobs.

Xbox controller

Streaming—It’s for gaming, too

Some streamers have developed advanced technologies to run gaming and streaming video services smoothly, keeping subscribers entertained.

Cloud chart

Computer graphics: It never ceases to amaze

CG is versatile and has a long reach, impacting just about every industry segment out there.

The shutdown and the battle against AI

WGA won one of the first extensive labor battles over AI in the workplace; however, it has cost the US economy more than $5 billion.


Long live the new pixel

Machinima, mediation, and the transformation of pixels in the generative AI age.


A sonnet to pixels

How could we live without our little colored dots of light?

Creative and short videos speak volumes

If a picture is worth a thousand words, an interactive video is worth a million words! And that is useful in advertising.