E3 kickoffs off today at the Los Angeles Convention Center, among the questions this year, what is going on with the Wii U, will it save the universe? There will also be an opportunity to check out Microsoft’s SmartGlass. The show is running from June 5th thru June 7th this year. Check out the E3 show floor HERE.
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Overview of PC Client CPUs and iGPUs
Overview of PC Client CPUs and iGPUs is the JPR market report on the CPU and iGPU market.
The Overview of PC Client CPUs and iGPUs is a look at the global PC client-based CPU market broken down into the desktop, notebook, and server markets, providing overall shipment numbers for the quarter as well as market share.
Summary Report on the Worldwide Total GPU market
The Summary Report on the Worldwide Total GPU Market is an in-depth look at the market, covering the unit shipments and market value of 13 segments that use GPUs.
Over 20 firms, including seven IP vendors, supply the market with discrete GPUs, integrated and embedded GPUs, and system-on-chip devices.
The research discusses these companies.
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Apple | Denglin | Intel | MetaX | Xi-Silicon |
AzurEngine | HiSilicon | Jingjia | Moore Threads | Zhaoxin |
Biren | HongShan Micro | Lingjiu Micro | Nvidia | |
Bolt | Iluvatar | Lisuan | Qualcomm |
2024 Worldwide CAD Report
The Worldwide CAD Report
JPR’s CAD market report has been published since 2005. As a result, it comes with a strong historical perspective as well as current data on the rapidly changing CAD industry. The 2024 report provides information on market segments, individual company market shares, new workflows, and new players.