Samsung Exynos 2400 mobile processor
Can a new 200MP sensor and ray-tracing GPU save the 2400?
Can a new 200MP sensor and ray-tracing GPU save the 2400?
The more you can see, the more you can do.
VFX artists at Walt Disney Pictures and Marvel Studios vote to form union.
The future is calling, is Meta answering?
Feature-rich laptops at a low price.
A filmmaker fulfills his latest wish with ‘Ajax All Powerful.’
Qualcomm props up Meta’s efforts to stay relevant.
It also takes a digital twin.
Samsung’s huge, impressive display technology wows attendees at IBC 2023.
Much to the dismay of developers. Unity says ‘Oops.’
Leading a charge to democratize 3D modeling through easy-to-use VR tools.
Dr. Peddie interviews Bolt Graphics’ CEO on advances in ray-tracing hardware.