
Stay in the Light advances ray tracing in gaming

Dungeon maze unusual venue for showing off ray tracing

Jon Peddie


Sunside Games’ Stay in the Light uses ray tracing as a core gameplay component, not just eye-candy, and is the first game that has ray tracing support as a requirement.  

In it, you’re hunted by “Him,” a creature lurking in a mysterious dungeon. With only a few items—a mirror, chalk, and a torch—you must survive and avoid Him. There are treasures to be found, puzzles to solve, and clues to uncover.

The chalk is a brilliant gameplay tool. How many times have you been in a maze and lost your way or forgotten you’d already been there—every time. With the chalk, you make marks, draw arrows, etc., very helpful.

Ray tracing is also used for reflections, usually from one of the critical tools you have to aid your survival, the mirror. The mirror reflects things behind you with pixel-perfect accuracy. So you can keep an eye out for Him as you make your way through the dungeon—you want to keep your eye out for him (spoiler alert) because get near him and you’re dead—there’s no fighting back. Sometimes you can run away.

As you move through the chambers and hallways, the most noticeable and annoying thing is the sound of your clop-clop heavy footfalls—and there’s no way to turn it off.

The game was developed by Richard Cowgill of Sunside Games, a one-man indie developer, and he has built in a random (procedural) dungeon generator so every time you play it, you’re in a new dungeon. It’s hours of endless replay-ability and spooky fun—the monster will make you jump.

Stay in the Light on Steam:


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