
Adobe acquires Oculus Medium for its immersive group

Adobe’s 3D and Immersive (3D&I) group has announced the addition of Oculus Medium to an emerging portfolio that includes Dimension, Substance, and Aero, tools that complement Adobe’s flagship products Photoshop and After Effects. Facebook’s Oculus Medium was introduced to the world along with the Oculus controllers in 2016. It differs from other 3D paint tools like Facebook’s Quill and Google’s … Read more

Captis debuts at Adobe Max

When it all comes together: HP has been working on the challenge of real-world 3D capture for some time. At Adobe Max, the company was able to show off the process from capture to print. That Dalek sitting next to the Z4 Workstation is HP’s new Captis device.  (Source JPR)   It's no secret that Adobe is growing its 3D … Read more

Vectorworks 2020 opens up connections to data

It’s the season for new CAD releases and given that it’s also 2020, every release is feeling momentous in its own special way. Vectorworks has found strong points of differentiation for its tools and this release makes the most of them.  Data visualization enables teams to communicate and understand design, its attributes, and the effects of changes. (Source: Vectorworks)   … Read more

Gemini Man gets mixed results at the box office

Gemini Man will go down in movie history as a breakthrough film, it’s just too bad, it’s not a better movie. Gemini Man has come up against another not-great movie Joker, and it’s losing at the box office. The complaints about the movie target the dialog, story, and even acting. Some audiences aren’t up for too much Will Smith, apparently. … Read more

Data science and visual computing

This book, Data Science and Visual Computing, pulls together the work of experts, academicians commercial, and scientific researchers and developers into one volume. It’s designed to be a reference and it provides guidance on understanding the meaning and impact of visualizing big data as a methodology of managing it.

Dassault’s financial earnings meet expectations

The summertime is not generally a great time for financial reports, except for, maybe, companies selling flipflops and ice cubes, but Dassault has brought in their second quarter for the fiscal year according to plan. However, like its competitors, the company is cautious for the coming quarter. As is typical for Dassault, the company is in the middle of audacious … Read more

NewTek’s Lightwave 3D 2019 arrives on time

Last year, NewTek released Lightwave 2018; this year, the company released LightWave 2019. To anyone who hasn’t covered the trials and tribulations of LightWave that doesn’t seem like big news, but the company has famously struggled to upgrade LightWave in reasonable amounts of time. Worse, the company tends to communicate with users in fits and starts, promising great new features, … Read more