
Big year for graphics in the Academy’s Science and Technical Awards

The Academy Awards have been announced and now the jockeying for position has begun, but all the deciding has been done for Academy’s Science and Technical Awards and the usual suspects welcome a new entrant to the ranks. Maxon’s Cinema 4D has been recognized for the first time by the Academy. Per-Anders will be awarded an Academy of Motion Picture … Read more

October will be a big ray tracing month

Every year, Futuremark, now part of UL Labs and simply known as “UL,” added new benchmark tests to its iconic 3DMark. Each test was designed for a specific class of hardware or a particular API. Since 2013, they’ve added tests that use DirectX 12, tests that run at 4K, tests for notebooks, tablets, and smartphones, as well as new features … Read more

Maps from aerial photography

Using an airplane to take pictures of the ground and then translate the images into maps was first reported as being done by the French photographer and balloonist Gaspard-Félix Tournachon, in 1858 over Paris.  Aerial photography 1918 (source National Geo-Spatial) During World War 1, the English (and the Germans) used aerial reconnaissance extensively and during that time, in 1912, Frederick … Read more

KAIST research explores fast 3D design through gestures

In between 2D and 3D, there is space—space that humans can understand visually and can often communicate gesturally but challenging for pen and paper. The Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) has revealed the work they’ve done to enable 3D sketching that takes advantage of people’s spatial understanding. Researchers Bae Seok-Hyung, Kim Yongkwan, Sang-Gyun An, Joon Hyub Lee … Read more

Dassault wants to be everything to its customers

Dassault introduced the 3DExperience Marketplace in February 2018 as an online resource for products and services. On introduction Dassault said Marketplace offers access to 50 digital manufacturers with 500 machines and 30 million components from 600 suppliers. Giving designers access to on-demand manufacturing and part sourcing. The marketplace is centralized through Dassault which manages the process of billing, payments, currency … Read more

See color in me in 3D: Medipix3

As you know, X-ray, MRI, and CAT scans are reproduced in monochrome, between 12 and 16 bits/pixel, which corresponds to 4,096–65,536 shades of gray. But what if, instead of a black and white X-ray picture, you and/or a doctor could have images that identified the tissues being scanned? Such a color X-ray imaging technique could presumably produce clearer and more … Read more

No Magic acquisition

In June,  Dassault announced the acquisition of No Magic, a company specializing in model-based systems engineering (MBSE). No Magic will become part of the Catia family of applications. No Magic’s tools are cloud based, and, as the name suggests, direct, logical, and easy to use, but it’s also a true MBSE tool in that it attempts to enable all methods … Read more

I Can See You, AND What You’re Holding

We’re catching up with science-fiction. The idea of being able to hold a personal device and scan a room and the people in it, to learn in real time if any of them are of interest, or more darkly,  carrying anything dangerous really is the stuff science-fiction. And yet, it’s here now. Founded in early 2017 in West Hollywood-based RH … Read more

How real is Bentley’s reality modeling software?

It’s virtual and its local Bentley’s reality modeling software, ContextCapture, is now offered both as an on-premise and cloud-based service. Users can now access Bentley’s Connect cloud services with ContextCapture Cloud Processing Service and ProjectWise ContextShare. This technology allows one to automatically generate, store securely, and manage 3D, engineering-ready reality meshes, orthophotos, digital surface models, and point clouds. Users can … Read more

Russia’s State Hermitage Museum comes to FMX

At FMX, Russian systems integrator and service provider CROC demonstrated a VR experience of the State Hermitage Museum's Jupiter Hall, Russia’s largest museum. It was the only case from Russia selected by the organizers for this year's event. The project demonstrated the use of photogrammetry for digitalizing cultural heritage objects. Using photogrammetric techniques allowed CROC to create an immersive virtual … Read more