
The PC OEMs at CES, the early look

CES is all about show, whether it's the biggest TV ever or the most pixels one can cram into a computer display. So, not surprisingly, on the PC side, monitors are big, bezels are small, resolutions are high, and they’ve got new stands! Dell has updated its display manager with options for multiple window layouts and multi-mon setups. We’re also … Read more

VR on the rise at CES

There are people who are wandering the halls at CES so we don’t have to. Among them are the people from VRScout who posted an early heads up on Panasonic’s new VR glasses. The pitch from Panasonic is that these are the first glasses that eliminate the screen-door effect. They’re not. Varjo’s glasses don’t have a hint of screen door, … Read more

Don’t lose it…

I’ve long had a bit of an anti-Apple grudge. There’s not a good reason for it, other than perhaps I worked at Dell for several years, and developed a bit of an attitude there… Despite the attitude, I can’t help but admire the consistent innovative spirit that seems to continuously ooze out of Cupertino. So, with respect, I encourage the … Read more

XR is the new name of head mounted computing and AI does not use a display when it plays video games

  Due to the incorporation of cameras on the front of what have been traditionally known as “VR headsets,” the VR and AR industries were faced with a conundrum and an overlap. AR can be experienced through cameras in a VR head-mounted display (HMD). In fact, the vast majority of headset AR on the market today is experienced through cameras. … Read more

HP’s pretty new notebook and curvy display

HP has been pushing on design as well as technology to find their competitive niche. The company’s new consumer laptops with wood finishes are a delight to see and hold. Now comes the commercial version and along the way they’ve lost a little weight and gained some time. The new 13-inch Elite Dragonfly notebook weighs less than a kilogram (~ … Read more

The foldable display is here from Samsung

Smartphones are great. Miniature computers connected to a vast, worldwide always-on network. They fit in your pocket, are lightweight, and run for hours or days without a recharge. A bit expensive (about twice what a low-end laptop costs), they are ubiquitous, and everybody has at least one of them. There are only two things wrong with them: you can hardly … Read more