
Graphisoft joins the Omniverse community

In its first implementations, Omniverse is most useful for enabling designers to create renderings of their work. (Source: Nvidia’s Graphisoft Connector Site)    The future is in the ‘verse and Graphisoft has opened its own door into it. Nvidia and Graphisoft have announced the availability of a connector for Archicad 24 to Nvidia’s Omniverse. Omniverse is a 3D development tool now in … Read more

Unity at GDC

Unity came to GDC fighting the perception it’s riding back seat to Epic’s position in the shotgun seat. The company made some progress during this year’s over 2-hour long keynote—not that Unity ever admits for a moment it’s chasing Unreal and, in fact, there’s much to argue that Unity has built a good position on its own turf, which has … Read more

Epic’s new adventures

Every year, Unreal CEO Tim Sweeney and his executive team, set the stage for the GDC conference with their annual State of the Industry presentation. According to Tim Sweeney and company, the state of the industry is pretty darned good and to prove it, Epic is making investments in the game developer community, teaming with major players to enable streaming … Read more

Epic builds out its portfolio

The game engine giants, Unreal and Unity are gathering in capabilities to make their platforms more powerful and attractive for users. Epic, having grown fat on Fortnite, has made several significant purchases for its Unreal Engine over the last 12 months or so. The company kicked off 2018 with the acquisition of Cloudgine, a powerful tool to boost the capabilities … Read more

Unity acquires Vivox

Is there a game, aside from Monopoly that is, that celebrates the cutthroat nature of capitalism pitting competitors against each other in a fight to bankruptcy and turning allies against each other? Probably. The game is being played out in full force by Unity Technologies and Epic as both companies fight to build their technology portfolios to enable them to … Read more

Epic’s Unreal Engine update delivers on promises made

Epic Games has released Unreal Engine 4.21, an update that ups the ante on Epic’s newfound religion around wireless and also adds considerable power for collaboration and non-gaming applications, especially CAD.   For game development, Epic wants you to know the new release enables you to “work smarter, create faster, and produce world-class results with Unreal Engine.” Speed improvements include … Read more