Virtual Studios: Who benefits in a revolution? – JPR panel discussion at SIGGRAPH 2018
JPR SIGGRAPH Luncheon, Vancouver 2018, Pan Pacific Hotel
JPR SIGGRAPH Luncheon, Vancouver 2018, Pan Pacific Hotel
As part of AWN’s Professional Spotlight series — a series of exclusive video interviews shot during FMX 2015 — Jon Peddie, president and Kathleen Maher, vice president and editor-in-chief of Jon Peddie Research, share their observations and assessment of key issues surrounding virtual reality, new creative technology tools and the overall effects of globalization on the entertainment industry.
As part of AWN’s Professional Spotlight series — a series of exclusive video interviews shot during FMX 2015 — Jon Peddie, president and Kathleen Maher, vice president and editor-in-chief of Jon Peddie Research, share their observations and assessment of key issues surrounding virtual reality, new creative technology tools and the overall effects of globalization on the entertainment industry.
Dr. Peddie. Kathleen Maher, Director General of Laval Virtual – Laurent Chretien, ESI’s Technical Account Manager – Tangi Meyer and others talk about the importance of the Laval Virtual Conference, its goals, and how it connects the visualization community.
Intel Futurist, Brian David Johnson speaks with author Jon Peddie about his story contribution to the Tomorrow Project Anthology, Imagining the Future and Building It.