
Consoles vs. PCs

Nobody said gamers would stop gaming. The detail is simply, like audiophiles used to have much higher end equipment than what anyone else could afford, or a high-end cell phone was different than a low end, technology being a great equalizer has made consoles, “good enough.” In the bad old days of the 80's when computer memory was still measured ...

Tracy McSheery

Nobody said gamers would stop gaming. The detail is simply, like audiophiles used to have much higher end equipment than what anyone else could afford, or a high-end cell phone was different than a low end, technology being a great equalizer has made consoles, “good enough.” In the bad old days of the 80's when computer memory was still measured in kilobytes and speeds in megahertz, machines with custom chips for graphics were special. In the 90's with names like Hercules and Diamond, anyone could buy a graphics board which would display resolutions over 1280 × 1024 in realtime, but

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