
Intel at Computex

I’m so glad I didn’t go to Computex this year. It’s not the humidity, or the torrential rains, or even 130,000 people in my way at the show. No, it’s the almost overwhelming slew of new products all at once. A firehose treatment my little brain can’t absorb. Intel had over a half dozen significant things to show. From new ...

Jon Peddie

I’m so glad I didn’t go to Computex this year. It’s not the humidity, or the torrential rains, or even 130,000 people in my way at the show. No, it’s the almost overwhelming slew of new products all at once. A firehose treatment my little brain can’t absorb. Intel had over a half dozen significant things to show. From new 10th Gen Intel Core processors and new details on Intel’s innovation program (code-named “Project Athena”) that will take mobile computing to an entirely new level, to the first-ever gaming processor with an all-core turbo of 5 GHz, Intel again raised

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