
Lenovo’s bet on AMD-based workstations has paid off

AMD has been an underdog since the introduction of the ill-fated Bulldozer processor which resulted in the career change of several CEOs, CMOs, and CFO at the company. And then, along came Lisa Su. Saddled with a company no one wanted to work at, no one wanted to buy, and no one thought had any future, she saw something others ...

Jon Peddie

AMD has been an underdog since the introduction of the ill-fated Bulldozer processor which resulted in the career change of several CEOs, CMOs, and CFO at the company. And then, along came Lisa Su. Saddled with a company no one wanted to work at, no one wanted to buy, and no one thought had any future, she saw something others didn’t and gathered talent to help her. She offered them a chance to exploit the IP AMD had been collecting for 30 years and to do something different, something bold, and something a little risky. None of the people she

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