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AMD fills out its entry class Radeon Pro GPUs with Polaris While anticipated release of the upcoming Vega GPU is hogging the limelight, AMD has completed the transition of its Radeon Pro workstation GPU line-up to the current Polaris 4th generation GCN architecture, also known as Polaris. The company had already filled out the Radeon Pro mid-range with Polaris earlier ...

Alex Herrera

AMD fills out its entry class Radeon Pro GPUs with Polaris While anticipated release of the upcoming Vega GPU is hogging the limelight, AMD has completed the transition of its Radeon Pro workstation GPU line-up to the current Polaris 4th generation GCN architecture, also known as Polaris. The company had already filled out the Radeon Pro mid-range with Polaris earlier this year—with the Radeon Pro WX 4100, 5100 and 7100—and now it’s added the entry-class Radeon Pro WX 3100 and 2100 to the family. With street prices (JPR estimated) of around $200 and $150, the WX 3100 and 2100 should

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