
The dragon’s latest snap—865

I remember back oh those many years ago when the sky was peaceful and calm before the dragons came. We thought we were done with them, that they had all been put in the dungeons. But then in 2007 Snappy was born in San Diego—dragons like warm climates. Treating the adorable little creature like a lab rat they gave him a ...

Jon Peddie

I remember back oh those many years ago when the sky was peaceful and calm before the dragons came. We thought we were done with them, that they had all been put in the dungeons. But then in 2007 Snappy was born in San Diego—dragons like warm climates. Treating the adorable little creature like a lab rat they gave him a number rather than a name, the first one being the cold label of QSD8250. It was a plucky little dragon with a billion beats a second hear rate. It had perfect dragon vision with its 12 Megapixel eyes, and despite

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