
VR on the rise at CES

There are people who are wandering the halls at CES so we don’t have to. Among them are the people from VRScout who posted an early heads up on Panasonic’s new VR glasses. The pitch from Panasonic is that these are the first glasses that eliminate the screen-door effect. They’re not. Varjo’s glasses don’t have a hint of screen door, ...

Jon Peddie

There are people who are wandering the halls at CES so we don’t have to. Among them are the people from VRScout who posted an early heads up on Panasonic’s new VR glasses. The pitch from Panasonic is that these are the first glasses that eliminate the screen-door effect. They’re not. Varjo’s glasses don’t have a hint of screen door, and HP’s Reverb headset based on Hololens 2 also has no screen-door effect.  As it turns out, the glasses are pretty basic as you probably should have figured out from the accompanying image. You can have cool or you can

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